The HCCO has started its journey with its two partners (Chartered Accountant, CPA & CPFA) and a group of young, promising, and seasoned professionals to provide client satisfactory services with an objective to value creation. The partners have over 30 years hands on experience in diverse fields, both at the national and international level. The partners have worked in private sectors, government sectors, Educational Institutions, NGOs and United Nations Agencies (UNDP, UNHCR & UN-Women). During their long journey, the partners have contributed in the fields of auditing including risk based audit, accounting, financial management, procurement and supply chain management,taxation,
To help our clients keep pace with competitive and fast moving business environment, HVC offers wide range of services. Its expertise extends into different areas of financial, taxation, management and advisory matters. Most of the common areas of services are:
Our comprehensive connections with various firms and chartered accountants globally enables us to provide our clients with a unique combination of extensive global resources, world‑recognized expertise and deep local knowledge. We remain committed to the ongoing growth of this global capability in all areas of services.
Our team comprises of experienced Chartered Accountants, Professionals, finance & business professional, marketing professionals, technology experts, lawyers having versatile experience of their respective fields. Short profiles of our two partners are as follow
(Enlr. # 0982)
Managing PartnerHossain Chowdhury & Co. Chartered Accountants
Chartered Accountants
Mob. No: 8801847090073, 8801767984932
(Enrl. # 0841)
Senior PartnerHossain Chowdhury & Co. Chartered Accountants
Chartered Accountants
Phone: 8801711524400
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
I am very much grateful to your service. I wish your company continued success and prosperity. I hope your business helps you in achieving great success. Best of luck!
I am very much grateful to your service. I wish your company continued success and prosperity. I hope your business helps you in achieving great success. Best of luck!
I am very much grateful to your service. I wish your company continued success and prosperity. I hope your business helps you in achieving great success. Best of luck!
I am very much grateful to your service. I wish your company continued success and prosperity. I hope your business helps you in achieving great success. Best of luck!
I am very much grateful to your service. I wish your company continued success and prosperity. I hope your business helps you in achieving great success. Best of luck!
I am very much grateful to your service. I wish your company continued success and prosperity. I hope your business helps you in achieving great success. Best of luck!
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
Our mission is to provide businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals with the highest quality accounting, auditing, tax planning and
Our vision is the most compliant, highly trustworthy, respected and reliable professional accounting and audit firm in Bangladesh
♦ Outstanding value to clients ♦ Commitment and integrity to each other
♦ Establishing the need criteria ♦ Mapping the value delivery system